The CCA Updating Exercise is held around Term 2 Week 5 annually. A form will be sent via Parents Gateway for you to apply for a CCA for your child/ward. Your child/ward will receive the consent form from their assigned CCA teacher before Term 3..
Currently, CCAs are open to Primary 2 - Primary 6 students only. Primary 1 students who wish to participate in CCAs need to provide evidence of their talent area(s) that will be considered and special provisions can be made to include them in the specified CCA.
During the CCA Updating Exercise, please choose the top 3 CCAs that your child/ward is interested in. He/She will be assigned to one of the three chosen CCAs.
Majority of our CCAs are held on the same day. Therefore, it will be difficult for your child/ward to commit to more than 1 CCA. Furthermore, we would like your child/ward to be developed holistically in the assigned CCA and commit to the CCA to bring out his/her fullest potential. There is also a huge possibility of competing needs and clashes in terms of competition seasons for the different CCAs. Therefore to avoid a possible dilemma, your child/ward should only participate in 1 CCA.
A balloting system is used to assign your child/ward to one of the CCAs of their choice. Through the balloting system, not only do we ensure fairness, but we also ensure that each CCA has a good mix of students from different genders, levels, classes etc. In addition, we keep the cohort size of the CCAs in alignment to the available resources in the school e.g. space and teachers available for each CCA, to ensure that the CCA runs safely and effectively.
No. Failure to put 3 different CCA choices for your child/ward will result in your CCA application being rejected. We want to encourage your child/ward to be open to and explore the variety of available CCAs. Also, we want to ensure that the balloting system remains fair for all students and that all students are given equal chances of being assigned to at least one CCA of their choice.
The CCA Policy is to enable Primary 3 – Primary 6 students to stay committed to their assigned CCAs for at least 2 years. This is to give a fair and sufficient chance to each CCA to holistically develop your child’s/ward’s knowledge, skills and values.
Please refer to our school website. Every CCA has descriptions, pictures and videos that show what the CCA entails. Should these not be sufficient, do feel free to contact the CCA teacher-in-charge to find out more. Reading up and finding out about the CCAs, especially before the CCA Updating Exercise, will help to ensure that you make informed decisions for your child/ward CCA choices. This will also prevent your child/ward from being assigned into a CCA which they are not keen in.
Primary 6 students are excused from attending CCAs by the end of Term 2. This is to give them time to concentrate on their academic pursuits and gear up for PSLE. At the same time, it also allows the school to take in new batches of students in each CCA. Primary 6 students are more than welcomed to continue contributing to their CCAs post-PSLE.
Any changes to CCA can only be done during the CCA Updating Exercise in Term 2 Week 5 via the form sent on Parents Gateway. However, should your child/ward have medical condition(s) or other urgent matters that prevent him/her from participating in CCA, do contact the CCA teacher-in-charge to provide the necessary information so that your child/ward can be removed from the CCA.
CCA attendance is reflected in the students’ report book. Your child/ward is expected to attend the CCA as assigned. CCA teachers will be checking on your child’s/ward’s attendance to ensure that it is regular, similar to daily school attendance. Should your child/ward miss CCA sessions without valid reason(s), his/her poor attendance will be recorded and reflected accordingly. Subsequently, your child/ward will be removed from the CCA to ensure that more committed students can replace him/her. Your child/ward will also have a lower chance of being accepted into another CCA.